Twin Durst L184 color 10x10" enlargers, ULF-28 UV vacuum easel light sourceMy studio1714,1200
Jobo CPP-2 film processor, 21 feet of stainless steel sinksMy Studio1714,1200
Print and negative storage room. Also used for evaluation of negatives under a stereomicroscope as well as print spotting and dry mounting when required.My Studio1800,1106
Studio view, Foba Astio camera stand, 4x8' metal wall for viewing prints using choice of two different viewing light sources, high CRI museum grade LEDs and standard halogen. Epson 9900 printer and Kodak IQSmart 3 scanner.My Studio1800,1021
View from studio towards computers, scanning and printing equipmentMy Studio1800,1057
Computer, scanning and printing work stationMy Studio1800,1003
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